Product Search for Private Label

Product Search for Private Label on Amazon

Finding the right product is a key success factor for Private Label on Amazon.

Our company will help you find the right product for your PL with high demand and low competition.

We conduct market research to find a product that will have a good chance of selling in the chosen niche.

To select a suitable product and its further modification, we take into account the following parameters:
  • Product size including packaging - the larger the product, the more expensive it is to ship.
  • The weight of the goods - the greater the weight, the higher the commission from Amazon.
  • The total cost of the product (after modification and branding).
  • Product quality and ease of manufacture - as a rule, the fewer moving parts or electronic circuits, the more reliable the product will be, which means more good reviews and increased sales.
  • Ease of use - for complex products, you will have to prepare instructions, which will increase the cost of the product and the number of negative reviews if the user cannot figure it out.

We also look at the indicator from Amazon - reviews of similar products in a niche and BSR. We try to find a unique product in a niche without obvious bestsellers (dominant brand).

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 Product Search for Private Label

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