private label courses

Amazon training - video courses with personal consultation. Private Label strategy.

The Amazon Private Label training course consists of a series of video tutorials and personal consultations.

Experienced specialists in advertising, marketing and sales on Amazon take part in creation of the course, but Amazon entrepreneur Eugeniy Popkov personally coordinates and consults.

During the course, will be considered - legal nuances of doing business in the USA according to the Private Label strategy and practical aspects of increasing sales on Amazon.

The course includes theory and practice in the form of homework (tasks by yourself) based on real cases.

By the end of the course, you will have complete knowledge of running successful Amazon business and the latest strategies for your products.

The purpose of course is to guide you "together" in the process of creating a PL business on Amazon in the USA.

Amazon business education includes

  • Series of video lessons
  • Personal consultations 2 times a week

Term of study is 2 months.

Main topics that will be covered during the training

  • Finding products for your Private Label business
  • Delivery of goods to warehouses in Amazon, choice of FBA or FBM
  • Compilation of semantic core and basis of SEO listing optimization
  • Writing terms of reference (TOR) for delegating tasks to outsourcing
  • Amazon organic promotion strategies (collection of reviews, buyouts)
  • Creating and optimizing a PPC advertising campaign in Amazon Seller Central
  • Modern tools and services to make it easier to work with Amazon
  • Analyzing data, understanding metrics and making timely decisions


By the end of course, you will have following opportunities to run a Private Label business

  • Doing Your Own Business on Amazon with a Private Label Strategy
  • Ability to work in a team of specialists
  • Ability to delegate tasks to outsourcing

In this course, we do not consider banal questions and do not pour water on topics

  • Why you should start making money on Amazon
  • How much can you earn on amazon every month
  • How to do nothing and get money while relaxing on the beach

This is individual training in small groups. We do not have a conveyor, so to participate in the course - leave your application. In response, we will send information on the approximate timing of the launch of a new stream.

Course is available to individuals and legal persons.

Course price – 2 000 USD

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 PL training course on Amazon

 Personal training

 Video lessons, Tasks for yourself


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